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How does vegetation affect sedimentation on tidal marshes? Investigating particle capture and hydrodynamic controls on biologically mediated sedimentation




Plants are known to enhance sedimentation on intertidal marshes. It is unclear,however, if the dominant mechanism of enhanced sedimentation is direct organicsedimentation, particle capture by plant stems, or enhanced settling due to a reduction inturbulent kinetic energy within flows through the plant canopy. Here we combine severalpreviously reported laboratory studies with an 18 year record of salt marsh macrophytecharacteristics to quantify these mechanisms. In dense stands of Spartina alterniflora(with projected plant areas per unit volume of >10 m−1) and rapid flows (>0.4 m s−1),we find that the fraction of sedimentation from particle capture can instantaneouslyexceed 70%. In most marshes dominated by Spartina alterniflora, however, we findparticle settling, rather than capture, will account for the majority of inorganicsedimentation. We examine a previously reported 2 mm yr−1 increase in accretion ratefollowing a fertilization experiment in South Carolina. Prior studies at the site have ruled outorganic sedimentation as the cause of this increased accretion. We apply our newlydeveloped models of particle capture and effective settling velocity to the fertilized andcontrol sites and find that virtually all (>99%) of the increase in accretion rates can beattributed to enhanced settling brought about by reduced turbulent kinetic energy in thefertilized canopy. Our newly developed models of biologically mediated sedimentation arebroadly applicable and can be applied to marshes where data relating biomass to stemdiameter and projected plant area are available.
机译:已知植物会增加潮间带沼泽地的沉积。但是,尚不清楚增强沉降的主要机制是直接有机沉降,植物茎部捕获颗粒或由于流经植物冠层的湍流动能减少而增强沉降。在这里,我们结合了一些先前报道的实验室研究与18年的盐沼宏观技术特征记录,以量化这些机制。在互花米草的密集林分中(每单位体积的预计植物面积> 10 m-1)和快速流动(> 0.4 m s-1),我们发现,颗粒捕获产生的沉积分数可以瞬时超过70%。然而,在大多数以互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)为主的沼泽中,我们发现,沉降而不是捕集的颗粒将占无机沉降的大部分。在南卡罗来纳州进行的施肥实验之后,我们检查了先前报道的吸积率增加2 mm yr-1。在该地点的先前研究已排除了有机物沉淀是这种增加的原因。我们将新近开发的颗粒捕获和有效沉降速度模型应用到受精和控制地点,发现几乎所有(> 99%)的吸积率增加都可以归因于受精冠层湍流动能的减少所带来的增强沉降。我们新近开发的生物介导沉降模型广泛适用,可应用于沼泽,那里的生物量与茎径和预计植物面积相关的数据可用。



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